Consistent and positive family and community engagement improves academic achievement, school attendance, and social skills (Henderson & Mapp, 2002). Data from the National Household and Education Survey demonstrates that children from households with limited resources enter school at a disadvantage, making it extremely difficult to catch up to their more affluent peers. Researchers have found two factors that contribute to this: access to books and being read aloud to at home (Bridges, 2013).
That’s why the Center for Literacy & Learning works to bridge the gap between classroom instruction and at-home learning. Through family and community engagement, we empower families and community members with the knowledge, confidence, awareness, and literature to support children’s learning experience at home.
Bridges, L. (2013).
Make Every Student Count: How Collaboration among Families, Schools,
and Communities Ensures Student Success. New York City, NY: Scholastic.
Henderson, A. & Mapp, K. (2002).
A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family,
and Community Connections on Student Achievement. Austin, TX: Southwest
Educational Development Laboratory.