Linda Farrell
Linda is a founding partner at Readsters. Linda has the career of her dreams, which is helping children, adolescents, and adults learn to read. She works nationally in schools helping districts select and implement instruction that ensures all students learn to read. The process always starts with using the right data to select appropriate instruction. Linda’s favorite work is modeling in the classroom and coaching teachers. Linda also presents workshops all over the country about effective instruction for beginning and struggling readers. She’s written assessments and curriculum with her business partner, Michael Hunter. In the last several years, Linda has worked on two projects in Africa helping children learn to read in seven languages she doesn’t even speak.
What Does It Feel Like to Be a Struggling Reader?
Attendees participate in simulations to help them experience frustrations that struggling readers feel every single school day. Teachers and parents of struggling readers often experience ‘ah ha’ moments during this session. The simulations address reading problems experienced by students of all ages. They include struggling to read with fluency and learning to read with a new alphabet. After experiencing the simulations, participants will be encouraged to think about how they can change to empathize with students who struggle with reading. Participants can request the slides to be used with teachers in their schools after attending this session.
Topics: Dyslexia 101, Dyslexia Simulation, Reading Fluency & Dyslexia